Star Trek: Voyager: Future's End (1996)
Season 3, Episode 8
Sent to the past by a ship from the future.
21 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This episode opens back in the sixties with a hippie called Starling being somewhat surprised when a spaceship crashes near where he was camping. After the credits the action switches to Voyager just before a temporal rift opens in from of them. A Federation ship from the 29th Century emerges and attacks claiming that Voyager will be responsibly for a disaster in that time. Voyager resists the attack and both ships are thrown back in to the past. Voyager is now in orbit above 1997 Earth and there are signs that the time ship may be in Los Angeles. On the surface they find that Captain Braxton is living on the streets and his ship was stolen by the hippie we saw in the opening scene. He is now a successful businessman and has been using the future technology to help his computer business. A researcher working for Starling finds Voyager in orbit and sends a message assuming it must be an alien ship, Tom and Tuvok go to the Griffith Observatory to discover what she knows and to delete her records, things go a little wrong however when one of Starling's men turns up and tries to kill them all with a weapon that is clearly from far in the future. Meanwhile the Captain and Chakotay have broken into Starling's office and discovered that he plans to launch the timeship unfortunately they are caught soon after. They manage to beam out but in doing so they Voyager is spotted and when they try to take the timeship Starling manages to steal a lot of information from Voyager's computer... and a member of the crew!

It was fun to see the away team exploring '90s LA, clearly inspired by Star Trek IV: The Return Home where Kirk and his crew end up in the '80s. Ed Begley Jr. was suitably sinister as Starling and Sarah Silverman put in a fun performance as the researcher Rain Robinson. The regular cast were clearly having fun as people out of their time.
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