Windy City (1984)
A tribute to the friendships men develop that make life worthwhile
16 August 2010
It's a shame that this movie is only available in VHS format, from sources like Amazon. The quality of any older movie is greatly enhanced in digital format, plus it is more readily available, easier to store, and cheaper to ship. Casting for this movie was magnificent, too bad it was only produced as a "made for TV" production. If you like Chicago footage of the North Shore along Lake Michigan, the movie is worth seeing for that reason alone. There is a love story, the protagonist loses and tries to regain the affection of the love of his life. But the real theme of the movie is friendships, how they sustain boys becoming men, as they age and their lives change. "The Rogues," a group from the old neighborhood, grow older, but they don't necessarily "grow up." This is a light but not a frivolous movie, and it speaks well for the human condition. Acquire a copy, and save it for a moment when you need a breath of fresh air, a hug, & some dark roast. No disappointments!
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