A Great TV Pilot Movie, A Not So Great Cinematic Film
14 August 2010
There is a bit of a double standard when it comes to television movies verses theatrically released films. TV movies get a lot less flak, because expectations are generally lower, people aren't spending money right out of their pocket to see it (generally), and the purpose is usually to set up the premise for a new TV series.

In this aspect, The Clone Wars makes an excellent television pilot. It has a good story, it introduces a likable set of characters, the premise is sound, and the animation is top notch (at least for TV). But the problem is, this movie was not initially shown on TV, it was released in theaters. And when you release a movie in theaters, especially a Star Wars movie, expectations are higher. This movie failed to meet these expectations because it was, essentially, a kids cartoon television pilot movie. People were expecting a Star Wars movie. Of course it's going to get slammed.

This movie takes place between episode II and III, during, you guessed it, The Clone Wars. The plot is rather simple, as television cartoon shows for kids often are. Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker, has reluctantly taken on a new Padawan learner, a rather young girl named Ahsoka Tano. Their mission is to rescue Jabba the Hutt's infant son so that they can count on his support against the Seperatists. Yes, as ridiculous as it sounds, that's the plot. But it works. It's easy to follow, it introduces the characters, and it sets up the TV show perfectly.

The acting is good, the dialog is simple, but not as bad as some of the dialog in the prequels, and the characters are quite likable. Introducing Ahsoka was a smart move. Ahsoka has great chemistry with Anakin. In fact, she and Anakin have better chemistry than the film version of Anakin did with his wife Padme. Her character humanizes Anakin a bit and makes him seem a bit more likable than he was in the films.

Also interesting was the characterizations of the Clone Troopers. In the movies, we didn't really get to know much about them, and didn't see them as anything more than mindless clones. Aside from Commander Cody, we didn't know any of them by name, and didn't really care much about them. This movie goes a little deeper into the personality of the clones, how they differed from each other, and what they believe. It's a nice touch, and one that will definitely enrich the series if they explore it more thoroughly.

I liked this movie, but then, I didn't spend 10 dollars to see it in a movie theater. I got it on netflix. It's an enjoyable cartoon definitely geared more towards kids, but adults will find things to enjoy as well. I would have definitely been disappointed had I seen this in theaters though.
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