Review of Leech

Smallville: Leech (2002)
Season 1, Episode 12
Best Episode of the Season?
9 August 2010
This could be the best episode of the season... Shawn Ashmore guest stars as Eric Summers, more popularly known as "Superboy". During a rainstorm, Eric and Clark are struck by lightning and Clark's powers seem to have gone. He begins to sweat, he has no speed, no strength. On the other hand, Eric has become super-strong, he's fast, and he's not sweating or getting nose bleeds, like Clark.

Lex's investigating with Roger Nixon over the bridge accident comes to a halt it seems, when he finds Clark out of breath and strength when building a fence for the farm. Lex's character shows that he's been playing chess with Victoria but she's been playing checkers. He's beyond clever.

Lana's relationship with Clark blossoms even more but then stops suddenly. Chloe's character is basically left in the dark in this episode along with Pete. Eric's antics force Clark to attempt to regain his powers.

This episode is great for all above mentioned reasons. But also, Eric being in special effects, instead of Clark, is a quite a fresh change of pace and it's not as easy to produce new special effects when they've been consistent for eleven episodes. It's impressive to see that the artists could perform them so well even on a new body and face.

Visual effects are cool and fun to watch, such as Eric lifting six hundred pounds with ease. I enjoyed this episode because it's just a wicked amount of fun and Clark is so much funnier when he doesn't have his destiny pulling him away from normal teen stuff. Clark's retort to Pete's dismay about losing a basketball game was just downright hilarious.

It's got everything that any regular episode of Smallville should have, and then some. It's beyond a normal episode. It strikes me as being in the category of epic, even though to most people it's probably just a filler or just a normal episode. It bodes extraordinary dialogue, plot, special and visual effects on top of pristine acting. A great, great episode, indeed!
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