A Good Comedy But Not a Bob Hope Comedy
9 August 2010
The comedic trio of Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard and Willie Best reprise their partnership from THE GHOST BREAKERS in this screen adaptation of the perennial play. Everyone is fine in their roles and Paramount has mounted an impressive cast in support. The story is an amusing one and the writers have made some interesting choices in updating it to 1941 -- although they use the nominally Floridan setting of the movie to minimal effect. Most of the work of covering the show's stage origins is managed by fast cuts and frequent point of view changes. More than good enough.

However, while this is an amusing comedy and well performed at good speed, by a capable crew, it's not what I look for in a Bob Hope movie: I want Bob Hope, that fast-talking, cowardly, lecherous fellow given to asides. It was always a wonderful comic persona and he played it beautifully in many movies. Not in this movie, though, so if that's what you're looking for, you won't find it here. Even though you will find a few laughs along the way.
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