Once more unto the breach
2 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Battle to retake Deep Space Nine has finally begun and Rom is somewhat disturbed by O'Brien and Bashir reciting 'The Charge of the Light Brigade', it is a good thing he doesn't know what it is about. As they fight the enemy fleet it looks as if all may be lost until the Klingons arrive, although even then only the Defiant manages to slip through the blockade.

Back on the station Demar has rounded up Kira, Leeta and Jake; scuppering Kira's plan to destroy the station computer to prevent the Cardassians from bringing down the minefield. In a surprisingly brave move Quark and Ziyal break Kira and the others out of the holding cells. It looks like Rom will bring down the station's weapon system with moments to spare but he is too late. With the Dominion fleet heading their way Sisko takes the Defiant into the wormhole to intercept them. Here he has a conversation with the Prophets, they seem willing to help but ominously say his destiny is to be changed. With the Dominion fleet lost in the worm hole and weapons systems off line the Dominion and Cardassian forces order the evacuation of DS9; when Ziyal is killed by Damar Dukat has a breakdown and remains on the station while the others leave.

This episode was packed with action, it was impressive seeing the two huge fleets engaging in close quarters combat and while less spectacular is was fun to see Quark take out two Jem'Hadar soldiers to free the captives. Some of the best scenes where those between Dukat and Weyoun, Marc Alaimo and Jeffrey Combs are great in the roles. It was good to see Sisko retake DS9 the ending was tinged with sadness following Ziyal's death.
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