The Single Most Important Work in the History of Man
31 July 2010
There is so much I could say about this movie. The cinematography, the music, the allegory...bittersweet indeed. The child actors...so young, so full of talent. Tum tum's impassioned cry of "scccraamble!!!" brings tears to my eyes and joy to my soul. There are no words. But maybe there are: Breathtaking. Original. Quality. Innovation. Family. Love. Peace. And violence. But beyond it all, the ultimate moment of this film arrives not near the conclusion, but in the subtle beauty and grace of Nurse Shibuya (played by the irreplaceable Glen Chin, in the finest role of his illustrious career). See here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GusQxS9pRTw

I can say no more without dulling the gleam of this artistic vision.

Fight on, brave ninjas, fight on.
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