Review of Centurion

Centurion (2010)
It could be a good movie but it's rather disappointing
30 July 2010
I never thought about it before, and actually this movie helped me to understand something. When you go to see a movie you want to have some satisfaction, and mostly you get it when you sympathize with the hero, you get emotionally involved in their problems and you worry about them.

Here, you have two sides and I personally can not empathize with any of them.

The Picts, while they have a right to protect their land and families, are shown in quite cruel way and Olga Kirylenko's character is far from being attractive.

On the other side the Centurion and his soldiers are nothing but invaders killing and enslaving the locals just for the sake of glory of the Roman Empire. All in all, it's fair for them to be killed by the people they are oppressing and I can't really worry about the Centurion trying to survive because I feel more like he deserves to die for what he's done. If you are a professional soldier and came to a foreign land to ravage it... well, you get what you get.

This movie looks like a historical documentary, which shows you some facts and reasons/motives of both sides to do what they do or have to.

It's done fairly well, but for me it defeats the main purpose of movie - it's not entertaining. There is no point of attraction in it, there is no one to feel for, and I expect quite the opposite when I'm paying for the ticket.
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