Trapped with the Jem'Hadar
27 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After taking damage in the previous episode the crew rush to repair their Jem'Hadar ship but before they can do so they come under attack. With no way to fight back they head for a nearby nebula where they intend to hide. Here they find themselves crashing on to an uncharted planet with unbeknownst to them is also the temporary home of a Vorta and a group of Jem'Hadar who are in a similar predicament. While out scanning for water Nog and Garak find themselves surrounded by a group of Jem'Hadar. They are taken back to the Vorta who we learn is wounded, when he learns that there is a doctor in the Federation party he orders the Jen'Hadar to make contact and persuade Sisko and Bashir to return and talk to him. Once cured he tells Sisko that the Jem'Hadar will attack in the morning; he does this hoping that his Jem'Hadar will be wiped out as he will lose control of them when the Ketracel white runs out. Back on DS9 Kira has doubts over working alongside the Dominion after a Vedek hangs herself over the promenade.

This was another great episode, with exciting shoot-outs and an interesting moral dilemma for Major Kira. It also demonstrated once again just how self-serving the Vorta are while the Jem'Hadar showed a level of honour one might not expect. The regular cast all put in fine performances as do those who are only appearing in minor or one off roles.
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