Another Conspiracy but this time from Pakistani himself.
24 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The moment I watched the promo of the movie, few days back, I thought "No, this must a spoof or a short parody movie of some kind. Ali Zafar is a star in Pakistan, he wouldn't do anything like that". But when i watched the whole movie, I was constantly watching at wrist watch when this movie will going to end.

Story of the movie has broken all the records of being anti-pakistani and anti-Muslim. Stereotype wardrobes ,of Muslim character, are shown in every scene with white hats on heads of from 4 years old child to 70 year old man(having red beard). We muslims are not like that.

I have notice that in every TV show and movie, Muslim males are shown with white hats, like if they are trying to show muslims wear them all the time(thats not true).

Not to forget that the writer is a non-Muslim and whole storyline is based around Muslim culture. Writer doesn't even know how to write urdu and he took step to make a movie containing urdu and arabic language. And character of Ali Zafar(being Pakistani himself) is constantly in the movie trying to show a liberal point of view of Pakistanis. Being a Muslim myself, I don't think so we could ever become 50% liberal as shown by ali zafar character.

Our media is very sophisticated and the channel, ali zafar(character) is working for, is shown under very old machinery and electronic material a channel usually has(this show an Indian typical thinking that how Pakistani channel operate)

All in all, I second the decision of our government to ban this movie in Pakistan and I don't think so i will every in my life want to listen Ali Zafar's music. He hurt my country so bad, It hurt admitting it.

My ratings 1/10
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