Review of Bra Boys

Bra Boys (2007)
Not a great documentary
24 July 2010
This documentary appears interesting on the surface, but is completely self-serving and lacking in logic. It is great to hear that the gang opposes racism, but they seem to put themselves on pedestal when it comes to racial issues in Australia just because they have a few members with different ethnic backgrounds. Rascsim is a problem all Australians must deal with and the Bra Boys can't escape its consequence just by associating with some very European looking Cook Islanders and Chileans. I also think the inclusion of the Cronulla Riots should have been explained better. This is clearly a movie for international audiences as it begins by explaining the settlement of Australia. Therefore a couple of sentences should have been added that explained the social reasons behind the 2005 riots. Perhaps because it was partly based the same localism that the Bra Boys so proudly employ. Race is a big thing and I think it should have been left alone if the film makers were not prepared to discuss it properly.
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