The Sorcerer's Apprentice: BeatDown Reviews
24 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay , I will say that this movie pretty good and the CGI in this film is nothing but impressive.

This movie is about a sorcerer named Blathzar Blake(Nicholas Cage) who is one of the apprentice of the great Merlin who is betrayed by his best friend Horvath(Alfred Molina) and he has to find the next Prime Merlinia(which is a longer term for the next Merlin) to defeat Morgana LeFay, enemy of Merlin who kills Merlin at the start of the movie.That was along sentence wasn't it. Anyway, Blathazar Blake manages to trap Morgana in a nesting doll known as the Grimhold. But not before losing his love interest Veronica(Monica Belucci) as she sacrificed herself to save Blake and give him a chance to trap Morgana at the same time trapping Veronica as well sealing the doll forever.

Okay that's enough spoilers. Now for the review! First of all, I thought this film was pretty good. The story is god the cast is good and the CGI is .... you guessed it, good! Nicholas cage delivers a SPELLBINDING performance if I do say so myself. I mean his depiction of a thousand year old wizard is spectacular. His Witty and casual remarks are the main laughters in this film. Jay also does decent performance as he slowly rises to stardom.

Although Monica's character was not that interesting at all. I believe it was there to act as a love interest only.

Now the only few criticisms I have for this film is that the line are a bit clichéd and expected. Trust me, you'll know what I am talking about once you've seen the film. This film had so much potential if they only had a better script.

So I am going to give this film a 7 as it displays a good story and great casting but it is the script that pulls it down
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