Review of Bad Day

Bad Day (2008)
I liked it!
23 July 2010
Saw this movie in the UK at the BAFTA screening rooms. Cool action flick some what unoriginal but some good laughter in the right places and applause when suitable. It has a good broad based appeal. Didn't get bored which these days is a good sign. Anthony Ofoegbu (one on the stars) does weary cop very well and is funny, Claire Goose is outstanding and engaging and rookie side kick Donna Air is completely believable as the cop dealing with an unwanted pregnancy. A lot of fun but be warned violent from time to time. Wasn't going to review this film but after reading other unfair reviews on this page I thought I'd tell it as it is. The bad reviews came across like an attack for some reason and no I'm not part of the crew or know any of the film makers on this picture. Anyway watch it and make your own mind up. I liked it.
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