This is Wrestling
20 July 2010
The wrestling landscape sure isn't what it used to be. There really is only one major promotion out there, and that's the WWE. Unfortunately, the WWE is distancing itself from professional wrestling. Don't believe me? When was the last time you heard someone refer to themselves as a professional wrestler on WWE TV? They're not wrestlers, they're Sports Entertainers. Moves like Piledrivers, hangmen, chair shots, blood, knife-edge chops, and more have been purposefully eroded away as per Vince McMahon's wishes. McMahon envisions his company as an entertainment company, producing movies, music and novels. Sadly, he farms his locker room talent to fulfill these non-wrestling ventures.

Enter TNA. An upstart company that in 8 years have undergone numerous formats and changes. First associated with the NWA, than on their own. First a PPV only franchise, now on National Cable. Ever since January of 2010, with the addition of Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Anderson, RVD and more, the TNA product is still undergoing some radical changes to their roster, line-up and presentation. So for now, the story lines and action seems, at times, inconsistent.

But that's OK. They're still a young company. What's important here is that it's still Professional Wrestling. They're striving to give us what the WWE is not. As for ratings, they can't touch WWE, yet. But that's fine too. What's important is the fans that are tuning in are wrestling fans who want to watch wrestling. The madness, mayhem, and uncertainty of this, ahem, sport is alive and well in TNA. WWE is a cemetery. A Wrestling ghost town.

New fans of TNA seem to be at odds with older, more traditional TNA fans. But what both need to realize is at least it's not WWE. And good or bad, this company strives to give fans what they want, as opposed to WWE who tells their audience what they're giving them.

TNA still has some growing up to do. They need to tighten up their format. Keep consistent with their in-ring performances. They need to develop new story lines and angles. But, at least their entertaining. As a 25 year fan myself, I am glad for TNA. I actually look forward to each and every episode, as opposed to RAW and Smackdown, which cannot hold my interest anymore. I haven't watched a full episode of RAW since 2006.

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