Quantum of Soul-less?
14 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I don't really want this to be a review as such. I wouldn't mind it just summing up what I think of the movie. It's easier that way.

I really do think that Quantum of Solace is, in some places, a magnificent Bond film. There's a lot of beautiful and touching scenes present throughout. I absolutely adore the Bond and Yusseff scene, Forster got this spot on. The character building scenes in this movie are brilliant. I love the scenes between Bond and Mathis, especially. They have great chemistry together. I felt that Leiter was underused though. I loved the scenes between him and Bond in Casino Royale, it was such a shame that we didn't get much here.

I really do love Marc Forsters sense of direction. As much as people go on about how badly edited it is, which in some places is true, there's tons of brilliant shots in here. My only gripe is, is that they last for half a second. I would have no problem if Forster doubled the length of some of them, but that's his vision, and I respect that.

I have no problem at all with the Gunbarrel being at the end of the movie, I've said countless times that it shows how much Bonds story-arc is complete. He's over Vesper, and has his Quantum of Solace.

However, as much as I find the character building scenes more visually stunning that the action set pieces, I really do get the feeling that the movie is incomplete. I don't have a problem with what's there on the screen. I have a problem with what isn't there. After Casino Royale, this movie had SO MUCH potential, and it wasted it. Given a few extra months, this film could've been on par with Casino Royale. If only the film delved deeper, and got more under Bonds skin.

Now, I know that the writers strike played a massive part in this, so that's partly to blame for what we got. I do feel that the film would've benefited if Forster pushed back the release to May 2009, because, quite frankly, it feels rushed.

I don't have any problem with the action, it's the short running time that makes the movie seem like an action fest. I do think that the boat and plane chase could've been cut a bit though, but that's just me. Given the lack of narrative, it just seems pointless.

Daniel Craig puts in a brilliant performance once again as Bond. Totally love this guy. It would've been great to see at least another hour of him on screen though. I love how he moves and asserts himself in the role. He's the perfect Bond for the 21st Century. Cold. Ruthless, and charming.

Olga Kurlylenko is GORGEOUS, but I would've loved to see more of Camille, and more of Agent Fields for that matter. Mathieu Amalric makes a decent enough villain. I really think that he wasn't used to his full potential though. When the trailers were released, I thought he looked so menacing and creepy. It's just a shame that none of this was transferred on film. I love Dench, one of my personal favourite actresses. It just annoyed me that she had more screen time than the main villain. (Just think of that extra hour we should've had)

The only thing I hate about the movie, and I mean truly hate, is that bloody title song. I actually despise it. I would much prefer to hear a slow ballad, instead of that garbage. The Main Title Sequence is rather good though, and quite retro. MK12 did a pretty damn good job. It would've been interesting to see what Kleinment would bring to the table, though.

Arnolds score is average, I love Time to Get Out, and Field Trip, but that's about it. The rest is generic.

Overall though, I find this a very entertaining film. In my opinion, it's a bad sequel, but a great Bond movie. It had a lot to live up to, but at some points in the movie, I get the feeling that it didn't even try.
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