Review of Cold Fire

Star Trek: Voyager: Cold Fire (1995)
Season 2, Episode 10
Kes plays with fire
9 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When Kes and the Doctor notice something strange happening to the remains of The Caretaker it is some theorised that it might be reacting to the presence of the second creature of the same type that he mentioned in the opening episode. When the crew investigate further they find another array which they are surprised to find is the home of large group of Ocampa. Initially they want nothing to do with Voyager but when they learn that there is an Ocampa on board. Tanis, the leader of the Ocampans on the station beams over and shows an interest in Kes, offering to help her advancer her telekinetic skills. This leads to a rather gruesome scene when she tries to show Tuvok her newly found ability to heat up a liquid and ends up causing his blood to boil. Tanis continues to encourage Kes to explore her skills and tries to persuade her to join the Ocampa on the station. Tanis also leads them to Suspiria who was the Caretaker's partner, unfortunately she blames Voyager for his death which means rather than finding a way home they have put themselves in considerable danger.

This was a great episode centred on Kes, Jennifer Lien is great in the role, bringing real depth to Kes' character. The scenes where Kes uses her new skills on Tuvok and later on Tanis are much darker than one usually sees in Star Trek, I certainly didn't expect to see characters in this show bleeding from their eyes. Suspiria, as played by young Lindsay Ridgeway and voiced by Majel Barrett was suitably sinister.
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