Predators (2010)
This film is a Predator to itself...
8 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't really seen any of the original movies, so you could say that I'm quite new to the series. When the film started, I found it quite average, there's some beautiful cinematography, but that's about it. However, when we were introduced to the characters, and the first major action scene began, the film started to pick up. When the scene ended though, the whole film slowly began to go downhill again.

There's some really good scenes in this, don't get me wrong. I loved Isabelle's comparison to the humans of earth being Predators to their own race, I thought that was a rather nice touch. The rest of the film though, is, to put politely, awful. It's littered with bad acting, and the actual Predators are laughable, who sound like wookies, to be honest.

As well as being clichéd, we're also treated to 106 minutes of REALLY cheesy dialogue.

Also, am I the only person who is getting really sick of profanity in films? It's just pointless, and wreaks of lazy writing and lack of imagination. There must have been countless uses of the F-word in there. It's stupid.

The soundtrack is awful as well, so out of place and generic. When the credits rolled, I got up and looked up at the screen, and read "Music by John Debney" I just thought to myself "Duh. Sounds about right.".

Predators, really isn't a film that I would want to see again. I'd rather spend my money on something remotely entertaining.
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