Harsh reviews? Lighten up kids.
3 July 2010
What makes a movie? There are many answers to this, but on a very low key, let's go watch a weekend movie. A movie has a hero who everyone can love and has some background we can understand, or at the very least keep up with. The hero usually has support, to cover the flanks of any personality traits the hero may have. This is to show the hero is not perfect and he can learn from his supporting crew. And the bad guy(s) are generally someone easy to hate and the movie usually reveals the enemy in a way so you can instantly tell they are no good.

This film does that. So why the 2 stars and lower? I guess the people who watch the cartoon show are butt hurt about something. I can't place it, I have only seen a handful of episodes. But if you spent the money to go see this movie at a midnight viewing or something without doing your research: Like that M. Night is stealing credit for everything. Then the jokes on you - thanks for the cash, idiot.

For those of us who just want a movie to kick back to that has a solid story line, good martial arts, and some amazing effects, then look no further. Allow the Last Airbender to be your whore for the silver screen. I won't go on about the great parts of this film. So I will stick with picking out the flaws.

The flaw is that M. Night is a hack and got to do this film. I was scared of this film since I saw the teaser. M. Night not only tries to pretty much overshadow the people who made the good parts of the movie great, but he pretty much makes it difficult for you to even get a preview of who actually made this film great. Because it wasn't him. M. Night is the bane of this movie. From the slow moving scenes, bad transition shots, and everything else M. Night is great at doing, is what makes this movie seem to drag on at parts.

Casting. Casting was a huge problem for everyone I believe. I mean, he attempted to Asian-up this film by changing the annunciation, but the characters I thought should definitely be Asian, are just a couple of white people surrounded by Inuits and Asians. However, I will admit I was taken aback by who played Zukko, I ended up enjoying him. He was a little campy, but he did his part. Zukko is campy in the cartoon, come on now. I also love who played his uncle. And the Fire Lord himself is an amazing actor. So the Fire Nation side was pretty down pact in my opinion.

Humor. The show is campy. It really is. And M. Night defends the lack of humorous scenes due to the actual mood of the movie and time. The movie didn't even break 2 hours first off. And second, M. Night you retarded hack, it's called Comic Relief. It's not just a great program canceled back in the 90's. Any movie can use Comic Relief. ESPECIALLY A KIDS ACTION FILM! What were there... 2 maybe 3 scenes where you can find yourself smirking in humor? And they all seem to happen at the start of the film. So it's as if when M. Night was spitting all over the original writer's and creator's faces, he forgot he was writing a kids movie 20 minutes in.

ASIDE FROM M. NIGHT EXISTING IN THIS FILM IT'S A GOOD FLICK AND WORTH SEEING ON THE BIG SCREEN! However. Let us all laugh ourselves to death... When in the closing credits, it says nice and big for you: Writer, Director & Producer: M. Night Shamalan. And the REAL writers don't pop up till further into the credits. Oh M. Night, how you are the bane of decent movies.
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