Good concept, bad film.
23 June 2010
Saw this film with reasonably high hopes but it failed to impress. I feel bad as I've heard the makers of the film are nice people but it just did'nt do it for me, or that fact for a lot of the cinema who walked out at various points. It was badly synced, badly acted, badly shot. Some shots were out of focus etc... If thats the style they were going fair enough but it did'nt work for me or a lot of others. I stayed to the end of course and it was a more interesting film that some I've seen but not interesting enough.

The opening credits were great though. Whoever designed and put them together did a good job.

The concept behind the film was a good one just not carried through well unfortunately. I was expecting a sort of 'Equilibrium', 'District 9' type of 'segregation in the future' type of film but it did'nt come. The future for me looked like the past.

A shame. I don't like saying a film is bad but unfortunately I did'nt enjoy this one.

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