Might have worked as a novel, but not as a movie
22 June 2010
Had high hopes for this film - the notion of dystopia alongside the promise of a graphic novel-style aesthetic was an intriguing mix going in. Sadly the film fails to deliver on an engaging, believe or entertaining plot, doing so with characters (and I'm guessing actors) who would be more at home as extras in a porn flick.

There are moments of hilarity, but unfortunately the laughter is evoked by cheesy B-movie one liners and painfully over-baked acting. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the film crew had honed their trade in the Australian daytime soap opera game, such was the quality of the sequences.

It's worth a watch for those curious of how the graphic novel/Anime aesthetic can be transposed into cinema, but keep in mind that in this case "underground" is perhaps where this film should have stayed.
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