Stupid 60's biker flick(spoilers abound)
18 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have recently had awful luck with picking out good movies to watch. Movies like The Wolfman remake, The Thing With Two Heads, and Reptilicus are just three of my unfortunate viewing choices, and they really make me wonder why I even continue to collect DVDs. Sadly, this movie, "The Wild Angels" is just the most recent in the string of trash I have unwittingly subjected myself to. It is simplistic and stupid, and can be summarized in one short paragraph. Ready? Here we go! (SPOILERS!!!) Peter Fonda and a gang of idiotic bikers are riding around Mexico or somewhere, and along the way, one of them gets shot. He is taken to the hospital. Peter and his pals take him away from the hospital and he later dies. At his funeral, Peter and friends trash the church and have a party. Later at the burial, a small boy throws a rock at one of the bikers. Everyone gets mad and attacks the crowd of townspeople. The police come and all of Peter's chums run away, and Peter is left alone to bury his friend. The end. Was that short enough? Anyway, the characters were all obnoxious punks that I couldn't possibly root for. Fonda looks atrocious in his biker punk get up, and the whole film is less interesting than watching an old lady knit for 86 minutes. This is the worst film I've seen in quite some time, and that's saying a lot from me, considering the stuff I watch.
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