The Tick (2001–2002)
This Tick should have been left on.
17 June 2010
I vaguely remembered this show from it's first airing. I was the right age for the cartoon when it aired, and I remember liking that a lot, but I'd just started college when this hit the air and didn't watch much TV.

This show was ahead of it's time, especially considering the recent slate of "vigilante superhero" films.

Great over the top single cam comedy. Great Cast, great direction, and an excellent script. Standout episode 8 is hilarious, all of them are very funny. Aspiring writers should take notice of the the easily discerned A plot, B plot, C plot structure. The cast grew together and they really put the chemistry on screen after the first couple episodes.

Do yourself a favor and watch all 9 on netflix. We rarely get anything out of the ordinary on TV and this is a perfect example of something that suffered from poor placement(direct competitor to survivor-which was new at the time) and lack of support from network.
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