Cliché Offering- Saturday's Hero Was Always On Sunday ***
15 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
We know all about college sports trumping academics and this picture does show that.

When the film begins with John Derek playing football, I immediately thought of that scene in "All the King's Men," when he is injured. I already knew that an injury was forthcoming.

The picture deftly shows how grades are "enhanced" when you play in sports and you become a school star.

John Derek fits the title role perfectly as the young man from a small N.J. town "duped" into going to Jackson College. While he does well the first year, his grades go down as he becomes more involved with the intricacies of promoting sports at the college.

Sidney Blackmer plays his benefactor and is vicious to the hilt. Donna Reed, as the spoiled rich niece of Blackmer, comes down to reality when she falls for Novak. (Derek)

The ending at least shows us that Novak valued education.
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