Banana Peel (1963)
Beware of the Americanized version!
11 June 2010
I hope that another version of this film eventually makes it to DVD, as the existing DVD is an abomination! Although the film was co-written and directed by Marcel Ophüls and stars Jeanne Moreau and Jean-Paul Belmondo (all indicating it's a quality production), the film is undone in two major ways. First, the film is dubbed into English and there is no original French version with subtitles. As a film purist, I hate that. I also fond it strange when French actors were dubbed. When they spoke with Germans in the film, suddenly they had a strong German accent. When they spoke with people in French, they didn't have a trace of the French or German accent! Second, the DVD appears to have been made from a poor videotape! It's grainy and blurry throughout. Don't you think that these problems should clearly be spelled out on the DVD case so you don't get tricked into buying a film like this? Fortunately for me, I rented it from Netflix and am thrilled I didn't spend money to buy this! Overall, the film was somewhat enjoyable but I just lost interest--mostly because the entire thing looked so sloppy. Again, most of this was really the fault of the DVD copy--not the original film. Perhaps if they ever release this in the US I'll try watching it.
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