Evilspeak (1981)
Banned in Britain
6 June 2010
This is one of the infamous video nasties, banned in the UK. It remained banned for a number of years as part of the Video Recordings Act 1984, thanks to its gory climax and themes of satanism. It is still banned in Iceland.

The opening was very clever. They chopped off a bare chested females head with a sword during a ceremony and, as the head flew into the sea, it lands as a soccer ball at a boys military school. Clever.

Clint Howard (Halloween 2007, Frost/Nixon) is the picked upon student that seeks revenge on his classmates and teachers with Satan's Book.

The blood and gore is normal for a film of this type. The shower scene was totally unsatisfying as Lynn Hancock was decidedly asymmetrical and it caused a loss of focus.

The graphics were phenomenal.
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