I could see Mothra and Battra's strings!
6 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is an okay movie. But of course it is not at all flawless. First let's talk about the Special Effects. Without a doubt this film has some of the most non-Special, Special Effects I've ever scene. First of All Godzilla still looks great. Mothra and Battra also look good. When they're larva that is! You see they look okay when they are in Imago form, until you realize that the strings are not hidden well. Actually they are clear as day to see. I wish I could say that I had to look hard to see them, but I didn't. I just had to look at the screen to see them. To be fare most of the Films in the Godzilla series the effects seemed rushed, so they could have the film out by December. In fact a lot of the Godzilla movies seemed rushed. That is why I think that GODZILLA (2012) might be good, because hopefully it won't be rushed. Now that we've talked enough about the effects, let's get on to the acting. It is pretty generic. Unfourtudentally it's nothing we haven't scene before in a Godzilla flick. Some new monster(or monsters in this case)show up they end up causing damage and eventually fight Godzilla. Same old stuff. The acting in this movie is okay, and let's just leave it at that.
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