America (2009 TV Movie)
Near perfection
6 June 2010
This aired on TV, and I merely found myself interested in the unusual title. I looked it up once I saw it in the listings a few hours before it came on, and I hoped it was good once I read up on it a little. It is. The opening and closing monologues are cheesy, and it can be corny here and there, but other than that, this is marvelous. I've never really had a problem with Rosie O'Donnell; well, not as big of one as everyone else seems to. She's not that much of an actor(she's fine here, though), no, but neither are many of the current big Hollywood stars. And fortunately, in this, she is not irritating. Every other performance is impressive, particularly the lead(how was this kid undiscovered?), who is *amazing*. The characters are all well-written and credible. I was very glad to find this immensely psychologically accurate and realistic. This is a genuinely sweet, very emotional and effective drama. It is intense whenever it goes for such. The music is great and fitting. There is some humor in this, a bit of it black comedy. This has surprisingly well-done editing and cinematography; it stops short of being flashy, and works well. There is a lot of disturbing content and occasional violence in this. I recommend this to anyone who wants a believable story of the often tragic lives of foster kids. 9/10
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