One of the best "true to reality" movies I have ever seen!
3 June 2010
"Don't act like the hypocrite, Who thinks he can conceal his wiles, While loudly quoting the Koran - Hafez, 14th Century Iranian Poet".

I have to admit, the direction, production and the casting of this movie was absolutely fabulous. The acting was remarkable, from the very first minute you get "attached" to the characters and actually begin to feel their emotions. Persian being one of the languages I speak, I could relate to the movie to a whole different level.

I couldn't help myself but cry; Islam was the most peaceful religions, yet polluted by lust and greed it has mutated in some what a barbaric per-historic practice. "Womanizing" is indeed the highest sin a Muslim can commit after "Shirk" (considering another Sovereign besides one God), but "Stoning" is the highest degree of punishment. Before this stage the "Mehram" (a man who is either a blood relative, or a husband) has the responsibility to take far less violent steps to try to stop this ill-practice. For instance, it starts with the husband not talking to his wife, then if she continues he would stop sharing his bed and so on and so forth. Under no circumstance, is the Man to physically hit a woman. And what about the Man in all this, just like a woman is to be stoned if all other methods fail (and if proved guilty), a Man is supposed to be lashed 70 times in front of a gathering.

I couldn't help myself but cry, and the last time I cried this hard was eight years back. The innocent women gets the stone while the man is set to roam free. Unfortunately, it is true, nine out of ten times the so called "Justice" is clouded with greed and lust hence...I would definitely recommend this movie to EVERYONE specially those involved with Human Rights, for all that it is about, its about bending the laws and values of a Religion for personal gains, which to me is probably the biggest sin, bigger than Zinah (womanizing) greater than Shirk.

Bless the Cast, Bless the Directors, and Bless everyone involved in the making of this movie; and most of all everyone who fall victims to human lust and greed. Bless us all!
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