Review of Mute

The Twilight Zone: Mute (1963)
Season 4, Episode 5
While it lacks irony and a twist, this is still an interesting episode.
1 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you are looking for an ironic twist or something really, really weird, this episode will probably disappoint you. It seems less "Twilight Zoney" than most episodes! However, because the main idea is so incredibly original and interesting, these deficiencies can be forgiven.

The show starts in Germany. A group of eight weird scientists are meeting to discuss a radical experiment. They all believe that humans possess innate telepathic abilities that are lost because of our reliance on spoken language. So, they all agree to raise children in strange conditions--with no spoken language in order to force the children to access their dormant mental abilities--not exactly the most ethical experiment! Each pair of male/female scientists will live in semi-isolation with their children. Oddly, all of these folks look too old to do such an experiment--as they look to be at least middle-aged.

The rest of the show focuses on one group that relocated to a small town in Pennsylvania. A tragedy has struck and the parent/scientists are killed in a fire. Their freaky child who cannot speak or understand human speech is now an orphan and goes to live with a family that lost a girl that same age years ago. The foster-parents are mixed in their views towards the kid--the father is the Sheriff and is pretty realistic about the child and the mother is drawn to the kid strongly--so strongly she cannot allow anyone else to claim the girl. Where it all goes from there is for you to see for yourself.

Overall, very interesting and worth seeing. However, when you do watch this, you, too, might find yourself wondering what makes the freaky school teacher tick---she's pretty intense (i.e., not child-friendly) and has an odd back story that is never fully explained.
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