The Retrievers (2001 TV Movie)
Lovely dog movie - though bad story!
1 June 2010
I enjoyed the movie twice, it's a simple story about a stray Golden Retriever who seemed to be pregnant. Gives birth to 8 healthy pups. Parents happy, kids happy... Selling the puppies, then a whole adventure to get them back, cause little Bejamin of the family wants all pups back.

Though I don't like it how they make it look all so easy to raise puppies and to simply getting all of them back from the buyers. In real life, no one would consider to keep all puppies! Those 8 weeks that the puppies are with their mother is already lots of work, and I hate to see how this movie gives a bad impression of it all!

This movie gives a reason for puppy mills to keep existing. Cause everybody wants a (cheap) puppy after watching movies like this!

I don't have much more to say about this movie, I just won't recommend this to people with young children whom are not planning to have a dog. Cause your kids will drive you crazy after seeing this!!!
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