i would prefer the nine deaths than to have to experience this travesty again
29 May 2010
wow.is this thing ever horrid.i tried to get through it all,but at the 44 minute mark,i couldn't take it anymore.it isn't the low production values that killed this thing.many movie have low production values due to budget constraints,and still turn out to be decent film,or better.no,what kills this monstrosity is the horrific dialogue with even more horrific delivery and non acting.plus,the plot(although that may be too strong a word)is pretty incoherent.Sho Kosugi is one of the stars,and he has actually been in some decent films.this just isn't one of them.given a choice i'd use my face as a pin cushion before going near this thing again.or better yet,give me the nine deaths in the title.one of the worst travesties i've had the misfortune of viewing.1/10
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