I want my 90 minutes back
28 May 2010
I am a huge fan of zombie movies. However it seems like lately anyone with a camera can make a movie. And if you want to that is fine. But for the love of all things good you should NOT be allowed to hype up a movie you were in just because you were part of it. It does no one any favors.

Thankfully I saw this on TV and didn't waste the cash to rent it. But for the first time in a long time, I enjoyed the commercials more then the movie itself.

Basically the acting was a half a step above adult movies. The sound needed a lot of work. It kept getting some type of buzzing interference at random parts, it may have been when things were edited in, who knows, I wasn't about to rewind and listen again. Overall after the first ten minutes I kept hoping the zombies would just up and eat everyone so it would be over.

If you like movies that attempt to be gory with a cup full of red water being thrown about then this may be for you. Dead Alive gore this was NOT.

This movie kind of reminded me of Day of the Dead 2 Contagion. But not in a good way. Both were forgettable and just did whatever they wanted with the plot because it was easy or convenient, regardless of how hard it was to continue watching.

Top three LEAST watchable zombie films I have ever sat through. 1 out of 10 to offset all the people involved that are giving it high marks.
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