28 May 2010
A friend and I were quite bored yesterday evening, and with both of us being fans of low budget horror flicks, figured we would give this one a watch. If you are of like mind and in a similar situation, save yourself some mental anguish and remove this from your netflicks que. No really, open a new tab to your netflicks account and do it now. I cannot begin to understand the mental workings of those who have positively reviewed this film, nor would I want to. Were I to author an idiots guide on how to monumentally fail at film making, my readers would be directed to watch this film as a failsafe. Terrible acting? Check. Poor stages and lighting? Hell yes. Plot points stolen from classic horror films, mashed together willy-nilly, and vomited up in true Linda Blair fashion? You bet your as*. From the first line of poorly scripted and pathetically delivered dialog to the hackneyed attempt at a surprise ending, this film is a true lemon.

P.S.: For those of you unfortunate enough to have seen either "House of the Dead" or "Zombie Nation", just think of "13 Hours in a Warehouse" as an equivalently disastrous film possessed of a lower budget.
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