Lost: The End: Part 1 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 17
Mass Confusion.
27 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I personally enjoyed the finale, and the mass of bad reviews on it here seem to be as a result of confusion or not paying attention to the show. Going through the previous review of it I see a lot of problems:

'Who was the Japanese guy?Why did he speak English and lived in LA in the parallel universe (or what ever that was)?'

His name was Dogen. He was just a higher-up among the others. He could speak English in the original timeline also, he just chose not to so as to differentiate him from the people he was in charge of. In LA he had no power over people, so had no need to differentiate him from other people. He was in the LA timeline as a red herring to make us think this was some sort of Deja Vu timeline, his presence there was inconsequential to the overall plot.

'What did Juliete mean when she whispered to Sawyer that they made it / it succeeded in the first episode of season 6? How did she know that?'

Didn't you watch the scene between her and Sawyer? When she said it worked and that they should go for coffee in the original timeline it was her kind of switching into the afterlife timeline as she was dying.

'Why did Jacob's twin brother, later fake Locke, die? And if he died how could he return? If he could use any body, why use Locke, when everybody knew Locke was dead? Why not infiltrate the group in season one, using Jack for example? '

He died because the light was turned off, which was why he had any power. He could only overtake the body of a dead person, so taking Jack's form was out of the question. He overtook Locke's body as a trusted member of the group who had already been given special treatment by the island, so it seemed reincarnation wasn't out of the question.

'Why did the Others take Walt? Michael, what happened to him? ' The Others took all the kids and apparently gave them all a better life. Michael died aboard the freighter when it exploded in the Season 4 finale.

'Libby?' Died when Michael shot her a long time ago.

'How was it possible for Ben to release the Black Smoke?' As we learned in the finale he actually wasn't able to summon it. It was summoning him. It let him believe that it was protecting the island, in order to get Ben to do his bidding. Locke was already the smoke monster whenever we saw Ben 'summoning' it, it's not hard to realise that Locke just followed Ben's order when he heard it.

'How did Ben manage to leave the island before and end up murdering Locke?' He turned the Donkey Wheel. In 'Across the Sea' we learned that the Donkey wheel was something that the smoke monster man created for him to leave the island.

'Why did he murder Locke?' Ben's evil.

'What ever happened to Rousseau?' Also got killed, by the freighter crew, quite a while ago.

'Why did they speak English on the Island? If Jacob spoke an ancient language and Richard spoke Spanish, why?' Well if you'd prefer to have had the whole show subtitled that's up to you. Somethings are put in just for the betterment of the show.

'Why was it that some things in the parallel universe was the same and others were very different?' Well if everything was the same then they'd just have crashed on the island again and we'd just be having flashbacks of old episodes.

'What happened to Mr Echo and his Church?' Ecko died a long time ago. Smokey killed him. His church never finished construction, since him and Charlie died.

'Why did they all have return to the Island?' The island wasn't finished with them, they also felt bad for leaving everyone on the island to die, basically.

' If they were dead, how could they return? Did they die on their second trip to the Island or in the plane crash? Did the plane crash take place or that was symbolic too?' They weren't dead. The flash-sideways was an afterlife for when they died eventually. The island was real, everything in the 6 seasons happened. They died eventually, they made this blatantly obvious. Jack died at the end of the episode, Kate and Sawyer and all got home and lived on with their lives. Hurley and Ben stayed on the island, and died eventually.

'Why have we followed Charles Widmore and his search for Ben when all that happened was that Ben shot him in season six?' It'd be a bit naive to say that's ALL that happened, considering how Widmore had Ben's daughter and most of his people murdered.

Another question which has been annoying me is the Polar Bear one. Anyone who's watched the show through season 3 knows that was explained a long time ago as a Dharma Initiative experiment.

I personally thoroughly enjoyed the finale, and while we didn't get an answer to every question, I didn't expect to. I think the reason it was so poorly received was that people expected there to be a logical, real- life explanation. There was a goddamn monster made of smoke on the island, there was never going to be a logical answer.
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