Lost: The End: Part 1 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 17
I didn't expect anything less...
26 May 2010
I know that some fans are upset or disappointed for the way the series ended.

In the other hand, I know that some fans are highly satisfied with the way the series ended.

Personally, I'm not going to deny that I had my personal version of how Lost should've ended (who didn't?); and I also have a lot of unresolved questions I have to learn to live with.

But, even when I'm a big fan of Lost since the pilot to this very last episode, I'd decided to watch the finale with no expectations about what it should or shouldn't be like.

Lost have turned me upside down more that once (actually, almost always). Every time I thought I had it figure it out, the story managed to show me the Island and the characters from a new angle, a different perspective. More than once (actually so many times) I felt that thrill, those goosebumps for a new beginning.

I applaud Lost for that. It was never predictable, and that's a very good thing that I wasn't experiencing in a show since Twin Peaks ended 19 years ago (wow, it's been a long time).

What I did expect for the last episode of this wonderful series was to surprise me, to turn me upside down once again, to show me the Island and the characters from a new fresh perspective. I knew it couldn't give me all the answers I wanted in 2 1/2 hours... and I didn't want that. I still enjoy using my imagination and filling up the blanks with my own theories.

And this episode just did it again. It gave us a twist that many people (including me) were not expecting, and obviously generated love and hate in equal measures. It's everything I expected.

I just hope not having to wait for almost two decades for another show of this sort to show up again and shake our very core.
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