Lost: The End: Part 1 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 17
Lost will Forever be Unforgettable
24 May 2010
In answering questions, in being action-packed, in being both romantic and reminiscent; "The End" truly succeeds in satisfying all the needs of us increasingly- demanding fans. It could be said that this episode was actually made for the people.

Almost every key character plays a part in what can only be described as an emotionally draining finale – one that is orchestrated to near perfection, with the exception of a couple of (quite understandably) rushed scenes. Any speck of below-par direction is well and fully compensated by outstanding close-up acting, as we are able to appreciate the stars of Lost on the very top of their game.

This brilliant extended episode confirmed that Lost was not only a show based on the characters but also one that was defined by the intimate bonds between these characters; whether it was the romantic bond between James and Juliette or the rivalrous one between John and Jack. With these two specific relationships, we witness romance and rivalry blossom into love and respect. Indeed it was love that dominated as the overriding theme of this episode and ultimately proving to be the essence of the story as a whole.

The story itself doesn't disappoint either as we are given answers to the most pressing of questions whilst we are kept wondering over the bigger picture. John Locke (the English philosopher) once said, "It is of great use to the sailor to know the length of his line, though he cannot with it fathom all the depths of the ocean." In one sense, Lost gave us the length of the line, but not the depths of the ocean.

Of course without Lost's mystique and inscrutability, we (as fans) will lose our lifelong license to theorise, speculate and debate! This said, Lost attempts to place the audience in the position of a few of the characters – who, like us, are full of questions and perilously frustrated with the Island. These characters may remain in the dark but are at last content with where/when they are.

Most fans will be in mourning as we begin referring to Lost in the past tense but if there is anything we can learn from the greatest TV show ever to be created, it's that to let go is never to forget. Lost will forever be unforgettable.

The End - 10/10.
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