Lost: The End: Part 1 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 17
Great & frustrating: polarized words for a cult series.
23 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I followed Lost since 2004; it began as an incredible journey, more promising than anything else seen on TV after a pilot episode (IMO).

Season 1 introduced the main characters (island included); season 2 got us into the hatch and Dharma Initiative; season 3 gave us the chance to know better about "the others"; season 4 brought hope, and for six of our friends it ended up well for a while; season 5 led the audience and the characters literally through time travel & sci fi approach; and then, season 6 introduced a parallel world, beautiful background of the island, ancient protagonists, all great, but - I swear it's painful to say - it did not end giving us the implicit answers we were promised all along these years...

I loved LOST, and I think I still do; however, it is hard to ignore the fact that if in a white neat shirt there is a little black spot, it will inevitable kidnap your attention, and depending on your "fan" level, it may consume you.

I do not plan to be consumed, specially after all those moving moments of reunion in the alternate reality that literally made me cry, but I must admit with my heart in pain that the last 5 minutes of the series were confusing, planned with nice intentions, but leaving the circle incomplete.

The island was meant to be one more character; the producers said so themselves, but did not honor that statement.

Once a pair of eyes opened; eventually they closed; much of what happened in between, specially the reason why it happened, is and will remain as a mystery... it's a shame.
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