Review of Lineage

Star Trek: Voyager: Lineage (2001)
Season 7, Episode 11
An issue of the week episode
20 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There have been several episodes of Voyager which have dealt with B'Elanna's Klingon heritage, some of these are good, others less so; sadly this is not so good. When B'Elanna discovers that she is pregnant the Doctor tells her that the baby has something wrong with her spine. He solves this with a simply genetic treatment. This gets B'Elanna thinking, perhaps she could get the Doctor to perform further treatments so that her child will not have Klingon features and will thus avoid the bullying she suffered as a child. Her husband Tom and The Doctor are both horrified at the idea of performing such a procedure but B'Elanna takes drastic measures to persuade the Doctor to do it.

The story wasn't too bad but it did feel like an "issue of the week" episode where it was clear that we were meant to think B'Elanna was making the wrong decision but doing so for good reasons. There was far less excitement than in most episodes, in fact apart there was never any feeling of threat. I have nothing against character led episodes but this felt like it was going over old ground as it has been made clear many times before that B'Elanna has issues concerning her Klingon heritage.
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