Review of Mine

True Blood: Mine (2008)
Season 1, Episode 3
True Blood:Mine
17 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Sookie meets an old vampire gang Bill once hung with(they were in his home as she arrives to see him) and doesn't exactly like their nasty streak. There are vampires out there that still prefer to kill and suck the blood of humans(not "toe the party line")and this decadent brood are such an example. Sam and Tara sleep with each for the hell of it because both are lonely, love another, and haven't had sex in quite a spell. Jason goes to Lafayette for something to cure his flaccid erection problem after a not-so-pleasant experience with Dawn(Jason questions why she would associate sexually with a vampire and allow him to bleed her). Jason is offered "V-juice"(vampire blood)as a means to correct his inability of a hard-on(which is actually a psychological problem with a vampire he saw banging the strangled victim Maudette from episode one)and agrees to dance in his underwear for Lafayette's internet site clientèle. Sookie's libido is out of whack as it is revealed during her introduction to the vampire clan that she is a virgin and we see that she desires Bill. We get a glimpse into the destructive environment of Tara when she goes home to a violent, drunk mother. In the morning, Tara realizes that Sam barks in his sleep. And, the strangler strikes again, and the victim is another lover of Jason's. The fabulous Lois Smith, as Sookie and Jason's "gran", Adele, continues to be a revelation of the show, as a source of wisdom for her granddaughter, even if she is a bit eccentric..there is a great conversation sequence where Sookie needs guidance on how to handle her relationship with Bill and the gift she's been "cursed" with. I always enjoy these moments between Sookie and Gran because there's a warmth and spirit the two share, how the actresses mesh so well together, producing lots of real nuggets. Lafayette's character is further elaborated in this episode, such as how he earns extra pay outside his bar and grill cook position(such as his homosexual prostitution with senators)and is a successful drug dealer. He also is a place of refuge for Tara as she escapes the harsh environs of her mother's erratic fits of alcoholism..drunkenness fueled with hyper-religious zealotry isn't exactly a good mix for anyone involved. The sexual tension between Sookie and Bill is certainly noticeable and it's quite obvious that it's only a matter of time before they "consummate" their relationship. A constant I'm noticing is the use of sex in the can be quite jarring, the amount, very much a HBO show.
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