Island of the persistent puppets
14 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Survivors of a shipwreck wash up on an island inhabited by tiny red men with sharp teeth and a taste for flesh. Fair enough this isn't going to be elbowing its way into the top 100 any time soon but it entertained me. I liked how the monsters were relentless and they looked quite creepy when they sprinted and when seen in the dark.

I had more fun watching this than the last five movies I saw at the cinema and they had a collective budget of around $500 million so for a movie filmed on a shoestring budget with first time actors in the backwoods of Connecticut I think they did a pretty good job.

The other reviewer, possibly a national geographic correspondent, correctly identifies that there are no islands with rivers of acid but for some reason I was able to look past that and just enjoy watching people fend off demented puppets. If you think you could do the same give it a go, it's a fun movie.
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