Boston Legal: Tea and Sympathy (2007)
Season 3, Episode 21
Series goes only downhill
14 May 2010
Some of the episodes in this series are wonderfully creative. As the end of season three plays out, the writing and some of the acting is disintegrating badly. I never liked Shattner in Start Trek and almost didn't even start this series because he was in it. But I was pleasantly surprised by season one and two. He was perfectly cast as a bumbling fool - really fits his actual personality and the writers played on that brilliantly. However, at the end of season three, his character degenerates into a VERY unfunny totally distasteful jerk. This is supposed to be entertainment? As he lusts after women obnoxiously and goes about being a complete idiot, we're supposed to laugh? Give me a break. The man is a terrible actor and was only redeemed by some good writing and directing in the first two seasons. I found myself asking "Why am I watching this crap?". No more for me. Too bad, some of the other actors are very good.
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