Too easy to be a con-movie.
11 May 2010
After taking a long deliberate gap from his acting assignments, Parmeet Sethi returns sporting the cap of a director, story-screenplay and dialogue writer. With his debut movie based on con acts practiced by a team of four, the actor turned director positively shows some sparks which may turn out to be more brighter in his future projects. But in his first attempt he only reaches a marginally acceptable level as the movie is unexpectedly slow and drags greatly post intermission.

Actually a project belonging to this particular genre of a thrilling con-movie, needs to be very fast, intelligent and exciting with some last moment gripping sequences in its every con-act, bringing the viewer to the edge of his seat. Unfortunately "Badmaash Company" hangs in between a good and average product because even when it has some well made plans unfolding on the screen, the narration fails to excite you enough to sit straight and take notice.

The various schemes thought of and executed by the group of four, move too smoothly without any surprises or minor hic-ups. Moreover in the first half, there is only one plan on which Shahid and his team goes on working differently which becomes monotonous and makes the viewer restless. In fact all those getup changes and interesting moments shown in the promos are entirely used in only one trick, tried with different vendors and customers in the first half. Post their first plan, all other cheating tricks, involving the repeated selling of a house and disposing the rejected lot of shirts towards the end are quite unbelievable in realistic terms. Besides this, I strongly felt the fun element missing in the narration, which is a must in such a project based on con-men.

Further, the second half dips drastically when the love & betrayal angle takes over in the script. As per the demand of the subject, this section should have been avoided or dealt in some other interesting way, not hampering the pace of the movie. For instance, the conflict between the group could have arise with a plan going wrong and they all escaping in different directions, blaming each other for the failure. But somehow our directors are habitual or forced to include the usual Indian emotional elements into the storyline irrespective of the fact that it's a con, heist or a murder mystery movie. Frankly speaking, I couldn't understand what was the need of the girl getting pregnant and still participating in the last plan carrying a large belly? Another worth mentioning point about this pregnancy sequence in the movie is that when Anushka discloses this to Shahid for the first time, then they both just start talking about The Baby Boy..!, taking his fresh breaths in the belly. Not even once they both discuss about the baby being A Girl. And that I think, clearly shows the Indian ancestral fantasy of a male child which is now being widely accepted, due to the boy-girl ratio going through some scary changes in the country.

Coming back to the movie itself, it's too easy to be a thrilling con-flick. With only few good performances you can't expect to play the trick with the viewers. Though Shahid is simply brilliant playing both the white and grey shades of his character, but he once again gets a not so good script to work upon. Anushka, looking for a serious image transformation, reveals a lot along with her fine acting, but she still doesn't look too sexy or inviting in those short outfits. Still the image shift will work for her for sure. Vir is fine but not great since he fails to make a mark with his funny one liners and comic scenes (except for one small in-flight sequence). But Meiyang, more famous for his Indian Idol act surprisingly delivers a polished debut performance and impresses. He is sure going to get some more assignments soon with his exceptional on screen presence. Among the veterans, Anupam Kher and Kiran Juneja get to play the same old parental drama seen many times before, whereas Pawan Malhotra is enjoyable with his Punjabi accent.

The other major drawback of "Badmaash Company" is its soundtrack with Preetam giving one of the most uninspiring scores of his career. The OST strongly points towards two things prevalent in the Industry.., One that the music directors tend to go partial with their selected projects and two, the director should himself have a good ear to extract some melodious compositions from his music director. The songs are a big letdown, especially if compared to an otherwise appealing cinematography capturing the foreign locations, casinos and lavish cars in a splendid style.

The debutant director Parmeet Sethi surely shows his capabilities of making it big in the near future. But in his debut project, he stumbles taking a mid-way path trying to cater all sections of the viewers in general. The movie could have been a different experience all together, if only it had a crispier script, concentrating mainly on its base theme of a con-team and had a few more enjoyable con-acts for the viewers. In all, it's once again a just OK movie coming from the big production house and Shahid Kapoor together. But I was really expecting a lot more from Parmeet.
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