Review of Gravity

Gravity (2010)
Wow, its really, really bad!
28 April 2010
As soon as the first episode starts you cannot be helped for thinking you are watching one of those God awful day time amercian soaps. The sets are bad, the filming is bad, the actors are bad and thats not just due to the script being bad. I nearly gave up about 5 minutes in, but a gratuatous "night, night kitty" arse shot bought them a while longer. When its bad, it really has nothing going for it, but at times I found myself thinking of one of those dreary Cronenberg films like "Spiders" or the one with the rabbits. But unfortunately I do not mean this to be seen as a positive, because Cronenberg only gets away with it because of some of the excellent films he has made. IMDb lists this program as a comedy / drama. In my opinion the comedy is not funny and the drama less than dramatic. Avoid it, it cant possibly last.
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