The Jerry Springer Show (1991–2018)
Trailer Park Trash T.V. The real face of America today...
28 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This show is without question a national disgrace. Its no wonder people in other countries think Americans are nothing but a bunch of fat ignorant boneheads. Where do they find these creeps to be on this show? Are peoples lives really this bankrupt to go in front of a national audience to yell and scream profanities about who slept with who and what child may have been fathered by some lowlife.

If you have ever listened to Jerry Springer talk about important topics regarding politics you will discover he really is a smart well informed man. I mean he used to be the mayor of Cinninnati. He really must have been offered a lot of money to be a part of this pathetic show.

Americas greatest generation was without a doubt during the 1940's. What has happened in the time since? Americans used to be an honorable people who had self-respect and would never be caught dead on a show like this.

Can only wonder what it will be like in 60 years.....
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