Review of Centipede!

Centipede! (2004)
Centipede Sy- Fy Creature Feature
26 April 2010
I think reviewers have been too harsh with with their "Centipede" reviews. This isn't a great movie, but fans of creature features might enjoy it. This looks like a low budget Sy-Fy channel movie. Most of the monster effects are old-school. I thought it was fun. (not really smart or good) Some of the actors are better than others. And Margaret Cash looks cute in shorts. The centipede effects were OK for Sy-Fy standards. It looks like they used centipede models and props instead of cgi. The cave settings were well done. The story is OK. This is actually better than many of the other Sy-Fy channel movies. (many of them really suck). I found it on a cheap DVD. The quality of the print could have been better. The picture looks just a wee bit soft for a modern movie-I'm guessing no enhancement for 16x9 screens. It is also in standard rather than widescreen ratio. I don't know if it was originally filmed in widescreen or not. Fans of big budget movies should probably avoid this one. This one is for creature feature fans like myself. Thank you.
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