Dog Pound (2010)
Teen Shawshank without the redemption
24 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Visceral, brutal, nihilistic film-making that feels authentic, and is (half the cast was culled from juvie centers around the U.S., and their slang found its way into the script). Examines how the American system of early incarceration cements the amorality of young monsters who can never be rehabilitated. Standout performance by Adam Butcher as the anti-hero "Butch," a coiled spring of a rage machine. Butcher has the chops to be the next DiCaprio. Some interesting parallels are drawn between the objectification of females and the proclivity for violence. Feels tailor-made for an HBO series, if they hadn't already done Oz. The most effective scenes are the numerous fights, full of menace and dread, the blows falling with cathartic impact. It's not hard to imagine a teen getting off on watching the graphic action instead of learning a lesson. The cast members certainly look like they are enjoying themselves in a sick way.
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