Fixing the past
21 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The second part if this story starts there the previous episode left off; Sisko and Bashir are still in the Sanctuary processing centre where Sisko is calling himself Bell and trying to make sure none of the hostages get harmed so the time line won't be damaged. Back in the Defiant Kira and O'Brien have decided that since Star Fleet no longer exists they aren't bound by its orders not to return to Earth's past to search for the missing crew members. They only have enough chronoton do check a handful of possible times and when they are down to their last attempt they must make an educated guess as to which it the most likely time to find them.

This episode was a decent conclusion to the story with plenty of tense moments and rather more deaths than I'd come to expect in the later series of Star Trek, these were justified as the event had to be significant enough for us to believe it could change the policy of the day. It wasn't all gloom and doom; the scene where Kira and O'Brien beam up in front of a couple of hippies was pretty funny.
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