Dead Awake (2001)
Not what i a good way!
20 April 2010 first of all i got this on DVD...really cheap. and after watching it i can understand why some people would dislike it. because its the kind of film that isn't exactly mainstream and the humour is very off-beat.

but anyway...i watched it...and i loved it...i think the actors are all very well cast and i think Stephen Baldwin plays his character, Desmand ( an insomniac) very well. i found some of the scenes to be all over the place...but it worked, and the soundtrack, at some what crazy. the thing that got me the most about this movie is the fact that it was a dark comedy?...i had no idea?...but thats what made me really enjoy this film because its a bit on the eccentric side. i also loved the ending, it wasn't what i was expecting!

i think if you come across this movie on TV or for a cheap price, then give it a go, because you might enjoy it! if you cant get into the plot then the humour may carry you through :) (9/10)
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