Touching Home (2008)
A Very Worthwhile and Well Made Movie
13 April 2010
A very worthwhile movie.

I was fortunate to be given a chance to see this film before its general release. By now, many of you will have heard the story about twin brothers with an alcoholic and homeless father, about how the brothers made a movie about their story etc. It might sound a little like a strawberry pie kind of scenario. No spoilers here - but you should not let past experiences influence your future opinions.

The acting in the movie takes a little while to warm-up. I do not know if the entire movie was shot in sequence (unlikely) but I found that as the movie progressed, particularly after the 30 minute mark, all the players seemed to interact more comfortably and naturally together. In other words, in the first 30 minutes, I was in the theater to watch a movie - after that time, I was completely wrapped up in the story.

The brothers did an amazing job of ignoring all those who told them that they could not do what they did. They should be considered a genuine inspiration for all film students and existing film makers who seem to find it oh so easy to complain rather than facing a situation, and dealing with it the best way they can.

Ed Harris - well, what can I say? Being from England, I have skepticism woven in to my DNA. Some people go to Disney World to see Mickey Mouse. I see an hourly wage earner in a plastic uniform. But Ed's performance was, really, incredible. Seriously, really incredible. For fans of Ed Harris, you will not be disappointed. For those who, for some reason, dislike Ed Harris, if this movie does not make you a fan, there is something wrong with you.

The casting of Ishiah Benben was also inspired. A beautifully played piece - I am sure we will see a lot more of this talented actor in the near future.

The movie locations are beautifully shot, camera work fits together very well (although some too obvious filtering was a minor distraction), and the editing and soundtrack pull it all together.

Go and see this movie - not just to support two young men who have already done more than many will do in a lifetime, but also to experience a very well executed production.

And congratulations to the sponsors of the movie, and the California Film Institute for seeing the potential, and making this production a reality.
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