Decent film about a group of friends struggling with the decision to become "more"
11 April 2010
Just watched this film in a really cool little "hole in the wall" theater and it was an enjoyable time. The movie revolves around a tight group of 6 friends struggling trying to balance school studies, work, personal lives, and sex lives. It's a story I'm sure a lot of people can relate too, not enough time to build relationships with strangers and wanting something more out of friendships without making them awkward and undesirable. This film does a nice job of getting right to the point of the movie, however more character build up would have been nice to build a better back story. When the group starts engaging in casual sex with each other their true feelings start to show through and the drama ensues. The movie was a good time, but not something I would go back for second helpings. A solid rental or netflix, but nothing more. Would like to see the longer director's cut for some more of the back story, other than that I'm all set with seeing this again.
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